How to set up 21:9 Ratio in DaVinci Resolve

Before proceeding its important to note that 21:9 is more a marketing term that covers a range of ultrawide screen ratios. 21:9 itself equates to a ratio of 2.33:1, which is a not a standard ratio used in movies or TV. Ratio’s such as 2.35:1 or 2.39:1 are presently the most common ultrawide screen formats used in cinema today. For a more detailed look at ratio, please see the ratio and resolution post here. 

21:9 Ratio:

Setting up 21:9 ratio for DaVinci Resolve can be done following the instructions below. Please note that there is no need to manually crop/enlarge or resize your video directly. The settings below will get Davinci Resolve to automatically fix the ratio for every shot in your timeline (This may incur some automatic cropping though depending on your original video ratio).

Table of Contents:

  1. Filmed or Rendered Footage in 21:9 ratio.
  2. Scale footage to a 21:9 Full Frame ratio with Image Crop.
  3. Add a 21:9 letter box effect to footage not filmed/rendered at 21:9 ratio.

1. Filmed or Rendered footage in 21:9 ratio

  1. If filmed or rendered in 21:9 ratio and at 4k – then set a custom resolution to 3840 x 1646 (click the link here a list of 21:9 resolutions).
  2. To do this click on the cog icon in the bottom right hand corner.
  3. This will bring up Master settings and Timeline Resolution.
  4. In the custom resolution type 3840 x 1646.
    1. Note: You can also type the custom resolution for 2.35:1 (UHD 4k: 3840 x 1634) or any other resolution required.
  5. The timeline is now updated and set to 4k 21:9 ratio.
  6. Note: You can also right-click on any timeline icon in the left hand panel (where they are stored) and change the resolution after its been set.

Davinci resolve project settings

Footage at 21:9 Aspect Ratio – No Crop

2. Scale footage to a 21:9 Full Frame Ratio with Image Crop

  1. If not filmed or rendered in 21:9 ratio, (16:9 for example) and you still want to use a 21:9 ratio/resolution.
  2. First set the timeline resolution to a 21:9 resolution (as noted above e.g. 3840 x1646).
  3. Go to project settings by clicking on the cog icon (bottom right hand corner).
  4. Go to Image scaling > Input Scaling > and select Scale Full Frame with crop.
  5. Use this option to automatically scale the footage to 21:9 ratio in the timeline (there is no need to adjust each clip separately).
  6. If required clips can be adjusted manually – but ideally they should be left as they are as this may effect post processing or VFX effects.

3. Add a 21:9 letter box effect to footage not filmed/rendered at a 21:9 ratio

  1. To go to Timeline in the menu.
  2. Towards the bottom of the menu that is Output Blanking.
  3. From this menu select 2.35 (this is the closest to 21:9).

Footage at 16:9 Aspect Ratio but with a 21:9 ratio (letter box) crop

Further useful info on ratio, renders and resolutions:

For a concise outline of 21:9 and 16:9 ratios and resolutions please see the post by clicking here. Or for more information on how to get the best quality renders from your CG footage please click here for settings and formats for the best renders

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