
Sports Car Cinematic Clips

Following a previous post on a car cinematic video I created – I have also made available the individual unedited video clips available for download.

These video clips are provided free of charge and with a creative commons license CC. It would be great to see what you create from these clips – so please drop a note on the blog post (link above), send an email (below) or tag in Instagram.

Video Details:

  • Resolution: 21:9 at 4k 3840×1646
  • Render Codec: DNxHR HQ
  • Audio: No audio.
  • Note: No post processing, colour correction/grading or composting is on these clips.
  • See this video for my final export with colour grading and composting:

The assets used to create these clips are noted below:

 Notes on Video:

Windows media player / standard media players will not recognise this video codec, so please use a player such as ‘Pot Player’ to play back, or pro editing software such as DaVinci Resolve to view and edit these video clips.

This has been exported at a high-quality (DNxHR HQ) to maintain as much detail as possible. If interested in the highest quality export at ‘DNxHR 444 12 bit’ or a GoPro Cineform export please drop an email to the below. Although this will increase file size and from what I can see makes very little difference to the final quality.

Contact Details: